🥰 We have shared a wonderful time together in the Animverse x BSCS AMA session. Animverse has received tons of interesting questions and focused mainly on the development of the project.

Animverse also informed our beloved supporters about upcoming series of blockbuster events to hype up and gain more interest in the Blockchain community.

So here are the 8 best questions from the AMA:

✅ @dqlong1702
✅ @vankarla95
✅ @AloeFresh12
✅ @kiem50k
✅ @Bitcoin_king9
✅ @Tingg0102
✅ lSonnicl
✅ @Mr1Silencer

🎁 Reward: 200 $ANM/ each

💥 Don’t forget, the Animverse “Meme Contest” is running right now in our Global Telegram Group. Join in and get the chance to earn our precious prizes!

#BSCStation #Animverse #meme #NFT #ANM #AMA
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Official Channels:

🌐 Web|🎯 Twitter|📢 Telegram|🔥 Fanpage|🔔Instagram|✨ Discord|💎Youtube|💫Tiktok|



Animverse Official

Animverse is a metaverse play-to-earn MMORPG game inspired by global phenomenon Animes/Mangas like Dragon Ball, Naruto, OnePiece.