In the Animverse, we can freely transform into our favorite Anime characters, with a variety of hairstyles, costumes, wings, and other accessories.
Dec 10, 2021
🛒You can own a variety of NFT items in the Marketplace:
✔ 30 collections
✔ 15 skills
✔ 2,250 items
Characters in the Animverse have either Male or Female gender, and are graded by stars (1*– 5*) on five items: Top, Middle, Bottom, Wings and “Mystery”.
“Mystery” will be revealed soon. Please look forward to this amazing event, gamers!
Official Channels:
🌐 Web|🎯 Twitter|📢 Telegram|🔥 Fanpage|🔔Instagram|✨ Discord|
#Airdrop #FREEcoin #nfts #BNB #IDO